Circuitschakelen begrijpen: een speciaal communicatiekanaal

In the intricate web of telecommunications networks, circuit switching emerges as a fundamental network technology that shapes the way nodes communicate. Let's delve into the nuances of circuit switching, exploring its definition, implementation, and how it stands in contrast to its counterpart, packet switching.

What is Circuit Switching?

What is circuit switching and how does it weave the fabric of connection-oriented networks? At its core, circuit switching involves the establishment of a dedicated communications channel or circuit between two network nodes before any communication can occur. This method follows a "nailed up" approach, requiring the dedicated circuit to be established beforehand, ensuring a seamless and continuous connection.

Key Characteristics of Circuit Switching:

  • Dedicated Physical Path: A physical path or circuit is established and maintained between two nodes throughout the duration of a connection.

  • Connection-Oriented Networks: Circuit-switched networks are often referred to as connection-oriented networks, highlighting the establishment of a dedicated circuit before data exchange.

The Dance of Connection: How Circuit Switching Works

Understanding the mechanics of circuit switching is essential in unraveling its role in telecommunications networks. Let's explore the step-by-step process of how circuit switching facilitates communication between two nodes:

  • Channel Establishment: Two network nodes initiate the process by establishing a dedicated communication channel or network circuit through the network.

  • Nailed-Up Connection: The dedicated circuit is "nailed up" or established before any data transmission can take place, ensuring a consistent and continuous link.

  • Data Exchange: Once the circuit is set up, the two nodes are ready to communicate and share data (messages) with each other seamlessly.

Contrasting Circuit Switching with Packet Switching: Understanding the Differences

In the diverse landscape of network technologies, circuit switching has a counterpart known as packet switching. Let's unravel the distinctions between these two approaches:

Packet Switching: An Alternative Paradigm

  • Definition: Unlike circuit switching, what is packet switching involves breaking down data into packets, which are then transmitted independently across the network.

  • Flexibility: Packet switching allows for more flexibility as data packets can take different paths to reach their destination, adapting to network conditions dynamically.

  • Efficiency: The independent transmission of packets enhances efficiency, enabling multiple communications to occur simultaneously.

Disadvantages of Circuit Switching: Addressing the Challenges

While circuit switching offers dedicated and consistent communication, it comes with its own set of challenges. Let's explore the main disadvantages of this technology:

  • Memory Waste: The connection path or link remains activated even when devices are not actively sharing data, leading to memory waste.

  • Slower Speeds: Circuit switching takes additional time to establish a connection between two hosts before data exchange begins, making it slower compared to packet switching.


Circuitschakeling is een netwerktechnologie die wordt geïmplementeerd in telecommunicatienetwerken. Bij circuitschakeling maken twee netwerkknooppunten een specifiek communicatiekanaal (circuit) door het netwerk voordat de knooppunten met elkaar kunnen communiceren. Het is een methode waarbij een specifiek fysiek pad, of circuit, tot stand wordt gebracht en onderhouden tussen twee knooppunten of locaties voor de duur van een verbinding. Omdat het specifieke circuit eerst tot stand moet worden gebracht, of "vastgespijkerd", voordat informatie kan worden verzonden, worden circuitgeschakelde netwerken vaak verbindingsgerichte netwerken genoemd.

Het basisidee is dat er een verbindingspad/verbinding wordt opgezet tussen twee hosts zodat ze gegevens (berichten) met elkaar kunnen delen. Zodra de link tot stand is gebracht, zijn deze twee hosts klaar om te beginnen communiceren. Telefoonnetwerken zijn meestal circuitgeschakeld, omdat spraakverkeer de consistente timing van een enkel, specifiek fysiek pad vereist om een constante vertraging op het circuit te houden. Het grootste circuitgeschakelde netwerk is het gewone oude telefoonsysteem (POTS). Het oorspronkelijke GSM netwerk is ook circuitgeschakeld. 

De belangrijkste nadelen van deze technologie zijn:

• Het verbindingspad (link) blijft geactiveerd, zelfs wanneer de twee apparaten geen gegevens met elkaar delen, waardoor geheugen (bron) verloren gaat.

•Het is langzamer dan pakketschakelen omdat er extra tijd nodig is om een verbinding tussen twee hosts op te zetten voordat er gegevens worden uitgewisseld.



  • Circuit switching involves establishing a dedicated circuit before data exchange, while packet switching breaks down data into packets transmitted independently across the network.

  • Circuit-switched networks are connection-oriented because a dedicated circuit is established between two nodes before any communication can occur, ensuring a continuous link.

  • Circuit switching faces challenges such as memory waste, where the connection path remains activated even when devices are not actively sharing data, and slower speeds due to the time taken to establish a connection.

  • Packet switching offers flexibility and efficiency by breaking down data into packets that can take different paths to reach their destination, adapting dynamically to network conditions.




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